We have been ask:

How Can Donations Be Made to the Group?

There are Three ways to Donate

01) Time - Donate your time by assisting

in the events as a Volunteer by Joining our Group.


Volunteering doesn't cost a dime

and it is the "in" thing to do these days.

More volunteers than ever, in all age groups

and from all backgrounds, are finding

their way to causes that inspire them.


Everybody has some special skill that can be useful.


02) Buy Our Goods.

Support Our Events by buying our products.

(Fish Fries - Hot Dog Sales....ect)


03) Monetary Donation

You may donate

through PayPal

by Clicking on the

logo To the Left.

Please Choose "Sending to a Friend" as there will be no Fee removed from Donation

If you choose "A Product or a Service" The Group will be charged a fee.

(Please Note Where You Would Like Your Donation to be Applied.)


  All Donations are Dearly Appreciated.