We know that the loss of a family member

or a friend can be disturbing. To ease the burden

on the family of the deceased, Neighbors for Neighbors
Community Club  started to serve bereavement dinners

for our Owners & Resident at no cost for the family.

With these dinners, we provide families of the

deceased a cooked meal served after the funeral

for the families and friends of the deceased.

(We also supply cookies, sandwiches or whatever

the family would like to serve their guests.)



Our first meal served was certainly a

learning experience, but since then we have

served over 25 bereavement dinners to honor the

deceased members of The Harbor Point Resort Community

and to try to comfort their family and friends.

We collect no fees, but call on many Property Owners

at the time of loss for donations of prepared food.


NFN-CC has provided the meat, drinks Desserts

as well as paper goods. No matter how large the group.


This reminds us of "Jesus with the loaves and fish"


We serve an abundance of food.

Enough that the family served can

take home food for themselves and visiting family.

If you or your loved one are a property owner and need help

please contact a member of Neighbors for Neighbors
Community Club or send us an email.